Need Lobbying Data?
Get in touch to learn more about our lobbying database, request data samples, and start a trial.
Unlock powerful insights and make data-driven decisions with provides exclusive access to alternative data on American lobbying, by turning government information into user-friendly, adaptable datasets.
With over 1.6 million lobbying contracts, 13,000 lobbying firms, 200,000 total entities, and 78,000 lobbyists in our database, it’s the most comprehensive source of lobbying information available.
Using our intelligently designed & curated data quality, researchers can easily perform analysis by company, lobbyist, lobbying firm, government agency, or issue.
We earnestly work with our customers to deliver our database in the methods and formats of their choosing, from: CSV, JSON, DTA, PKL, to other formats and methods. We’re flexible.
We download information on lobbying contracts on a regular basis from the U.S. Senate Office of Public Records and perform integrity checks, completeness and accuracy on the raw data.
We utilize proprietary algorithms to identify and correct errors, inconsistencies, or outliers in the data. This includes checking for duplicate records, missing values, or other issues.
We use a set of pre-defined rules and constraints to check that the data is valid and adheres to specific requirements. This includes checks for data types, ranges, formats, and other conditions.
We convert variables into formats that can be easily used for analysis and reporting (e.g. datetime to ISO 8601, dollar values to integers). Our stock ticker mapping system implements a rigorous set of checks for the accuracy of the matches.
Our data pipelines include several layers of quality assurance and data due diligence to ensure that data is accurate, reliable, and easy-to-use.
Please enquire for our full DDQ.
We do not collect any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or other personal data as part of our products and/or services. We only collect and use publicly available information related to lobbying activity in the US, as required to be filed by law with the government and considered as public record. The data includes information on lobbying contracts, firms, entities and lobbyists active in the US. This information does not include any personal or sensitive data and is limited to professional or business related information. We take the privacy and security of our customers and their data very seriously, and we have implemented strict internal policies and procedures to ensure that all data is handled securely and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Yes, we do provide our clients with an SLA in our Data Licensing Agreement, which outlines our commitment to meeting specific service levels and provides a framework for addressing any issues that may arise.
Our Data Licensing Agreement covers the following:
Data availability and uptime: We commit to a certain level of availability and uptime for the data, specifically with our non-static delivery options (API and Front End Platform)
Delivery times: We commit to delivering the data within a specific timeframe (typically same day or between 24-48 hours).
Data quality: We commit to providing high-quality data and will take steps to correct any errors or inaccuracies that are identified. We also note our original data sources, such as the Senate Office of Public records, and specify that “once the data has been download from the LDA.SENATE.GOV, the U.S. Senate cannot vouch for the quality and timeliness of any analyses conducted with retrieved data.”
Support and maintenance: We commit to providing ongoing support and maintenance for the data, including monitoring, troubleshooting, and updating the data as needed.
Communication: We commit to keeping clients informed and updated throughout the process, and addressing any questions or concerns that they may have. We supply contact information and encourage clients to use us as a resource to understand the data better, or generally learn more about the underlying content and potential business use cases for it.
Get in touch to learn more about our lobbying database, request data samples, and start a trial.