Thunderbird Strategic LLC Earned 160,000 USD in 2021
Kevin Allis is the leading face of Thunderbird Strategic LLC (Thunderbird) and was hired to lobby on behalf of the Forest County Potawatomi Community (Forest County) in the area of Native and Indian affairs for 50,000 USD. Thunderbird is American Indian owned and operated and has been hired by five clients so far this year for 150,000 USD. Allis is the former Chief Executive Officer of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) and the Executive Director of the Native American Contractors Association (NACA). Forest County has spent 320,000 USD so far in lobbying costs this year and spent a total of 410,000 USD in 2021.
5.2 million self-identifying American Indians and Native Alaskans comprise about 2 percent of the U.S. population
Several bills concerning Native and Indian affairs have been propounded over the previous years ranging in scope from environmental clean up, water rights, education, and mental health. H.R. 1688, the Native American Child Protection Act, was introduced to reauthorize through fiscal year 2027 programs related to the prevention, investigation, treatment, and prosecution of family violence, child abuse, and child neglect involving Indian children and families. The bill would revise the Indian Child Abuse Treatment Grant Program to encourage the use of grants for culturally appropriate treatment services and programs. Additionally, the bill revises the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention program to provide Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and intertribal consortia use program funds for additional activities like operational costs for child protective services. H.R. 320 expresses the House of Representatives credence that access to reliable and clean drinking water is critically important to the health and welfare of American Indians and Alaska Natives, calling upon the government to provide such access.
Last year, Thunderbird lobbied on behalf of S. 1797 and H.R. 1319, the Urban Indian Health Providers Facilities Improvement Act and the American Rescue Plan Act, respectively. The former expands the authority of the Indian Health Service (IHS) to make funds available to urban Indian organizations for renovation, construction, or expansion of urban Indian health care facilities. The latter, now public law, provides additional relief for the continued impact of COVID-19 on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, and businesses. Some of the highlights of the law are the extensions to unemployment benefits and eligibility, increasing the child tax credit, and providing emergency aid to cover back rent. For a more in depth overview, feel free to visit the White House website. is an alternative data source more geared towards snapshots and reviewing submitted lobbying reports and amendments.
Native American Housing Assistance & Self-Determination Reauthorization Act
Per it’s name As its name might suggest, S.2264, also known as the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Reauthorization Act, is meant to provide federal housing assistance to Indians and Native Hawaiians. if it passes, this bill would revise the Indian Housing and Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant programs and expand allowable housing activities. It authorizes the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to guarantee housing loans for Indians and Native Hawaiians through fiscal year 2032 and eliminates drug-related and violent crime ineligibility.