Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited (IR) all U.S. Lobbying: all historical lobbying contracts, government bills & agencies, and critical issues lobbied on.


Discover Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited’s lobbying activities with our comprehensive dataset, offering insights on spending, bills, and issues from 1999-present. Analyze data by company, lobbyist, issue, and more through our intelligently crafted data design. Dataset updated weekly.


Using our intelligently designed and intuitive dataset, you can quickly understand how Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited (IR) is lobbying the U.S. government, how much they’re spending on it, and most importantly – the bills and specific issues on which they lobby.

Gain an informational edge with our Lobbying Data Intelligence. Perform analysis by company, lobbyist, lobbying firm, government agency, or issue.

For lobbying firms: understand your competitors. Understand who is registering with who. Gain insight on quarterly reports and specific issues other firms are lobbying on.

Our lobbying data is collected and aggregated from the U.S. Senate Office of Public Records from 1999-present and is updated on a regular basis. We utilize advanced data science techniques to ensure accurate data points are collected and ingested, match similar entities across time, and tickerize publicly traded companies that lobby.

Our comprehensive and advanced lobbying database is completed with all the information you need, with more than 1.6 million lobbying contracts ready-for-analysis. We include detailed information on all aspects of federal lobbying, including the following fascinating attributes, among much more:

1. Clients: The publicly traded company, privately owned company, interest group, NGO, or state or local government that employs or retains a lobbyist or lobbying firm.

2. Registrants (Lobbying Firms): Either the name of the lobbying firm hired by the client, or the name of the client if the client employs in-house lobbyists.

3. Lobbyists: The names and past government work experience of the individual lobbyists working on a lobbying contract. 3. General Issues: The general issues for which clients lobby on (ex: ENV – Environment, TOB – Tobacco, FAM – Family Issues/Abortion).

4. Specific Issues: A long text description of the exact bills and specific issues for which clients lobby on.

5. Bills Lobbied On: The exact congressional bills and public/private laws lobbied on, parsed from lobbying report specific issues (ex: H.R. 2347, S. 1117, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act).

6. Agencies Lobbied: The names of one or more of 250+ government agencies lobbied on in the contract (ex: White House, FDA, DOD).

7. Foreign Entities: The names and origin countries of entities affiliated with the client (ex: BNP Paribas: France).

Gain access to our highly unique and actionable U.S. lobbying database. Further information on and our alternative datasets and database can be found on our website, or by contacting [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited (IR) lobbying for?

Summary of the lobbying data:
– Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited hired Mr. Richard Goodstein as their only lobbying firm.
– They lobbied on general issues such as Budget/Appropriations and Clean Air and Water (quality).
– They also lobbied on specific issues including HFC phase down/Kigali ratification, Role of heat pumps in addressing climate change, Possible legislation pertaining to inverted companies, HFC reduction legislation, and Possible changes to inversion legislation.
– They primarily lobbied government agencies such as the Senate, White House Office, and House of Representatives.

One could infer that Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited is lobbying on climate change-related issues such as HFC phase down/Kigali ratification and the role of heat pumps in addressing climate change because they are committed to sustainability and reducing their environmental impact. Additionally, their lobbying on possible changes to inversion legislation suggests that they are interested in tax policies that can impact their business operations.

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