Follow the Money

Follow the money in politics in real-time with our comprehensive lobbying information, providing a real-time and historical view of who is lobbying, how much they spend on it, the government agencies they contact, and the bills and issues on which they lobby.


Intelligently designed & curated data quality.

Extract value from the $4.8 billion lobbying industry using our intelligently crafted, easy to understand alternative data.


Lobbying Contracts


Lobbying Entities Tracked



Federal Lobbying Coverage



Years of History

Historical Data

  • 24 years of data (1999 – Present)
  • Over 1.6 million lobbying contracts (100% of federal lobbying contracts) captured

Real-Time Data

  • Data updated every 15 minutes
  • Quicker updates available upon request

Entity Matching

  • All publicly traded companies that lobby are matched to their ticker symbols
  • All entity names are matched across time


  • Data on over 78,000 unique federally registered lobbyists
  • Names, lobbying firm employment history, & previous government work experience

Lobbying Issues

  • Data on the dollar amount spent on lobbying services
  • Information on the exact bills, general issues, and specific issues an entity lobbies on

Government Agencies

  • Information on all federal agencies lobbied by an entity (over 250 government agencies)

Ticker Symbol Coverage

The table below showcases the tickers represented in our database, covering 1999-present. Get in touch for dataset samples by company or ticker symbol.

Alternative Data

On a daily basis, thousands of companies are lobbying the government to secure massive loans, to persuade the government to rewrite laws to benefit their company plans, and to fight for government contracts. However, information on lobbying activity is incredibly difficult to access and understand… until now.

Gain actionable insight from American lobbying. partners with a broad range of organizations to deliver high quality alternative data on lobbying to diverse sets of customers. 


Daily Lobbying Data Dashboard

The first and only publicly accessible lobbying data dashboard, updated once every 24 hours, and with powerful searching and filtering abilities. (Data showcased is a subset of our alternative data).


Complete Real-Time & Historical Lobbying Database (Alternative Data)

Get in touch to gain access to our entire database and dataset offerings. You can also find us on Eagle Alpha, Datarade, Neudata, the AWS Data Exchange, Factset, and Dewey Data

Ready to get started?

Get in touch for a quote, data trials, & more.

Who uses Lobbying Data?

Investment Research

With millions of data points, our publicly-traded-company-level datasets bring immense value to equity research firms, hedge funds, and other financial firms.

Alpha Generation

Policy Recommendations

Our public-sector facing customers leverage our database, datasets, and API to form new public policy recommendations for government agencies and local governments.


Trend Forecasting

By bringing to light previously unaccessible data points, users successfully leverage lobbying information to predict macro trends and identify growth signals.


Competitor Intelligence tracks 100% of federal lobbying activity on a real-time and historical basis. Our customers use lobbying information to identify the bills and specific issues their rivals lobby for, how much they’re spending on it, and the lobbying firms they retain.

Monitor Your Rivals

Business Intelligence

Our database on companies, organizations, interest groups, and state and local government can help you build a comprehensive picture of the market for political influence.

Market Research

Due Diligence

Lobbying Data often exposes the public policy positioning of private firms. Our customers enrich the due diligence process with information on private company historical lobbying filings. Evaluate a potential investment or deal opportunity through the lens of policy spending.

Due Diligence

Unmask the
Lobbying Industry

Lobbying for many use cases.

Our customers use lobbying data for a variety of fascinating use cases. Contact us to learn more about how lobbying data can help your organization make data-driven decisions amid an ever-changing public policy backdrop.

What they’re saying provides actionable, comprehensive, and trusted data solutions

We believe that companies that lobby federal agencies achieve successful policy outcomes.’s API has provided a viable way for us to backtest our claim against market data and build a tangible lobbying activity index.

Chief Technology Officer
Equity Research Firm

What Lobbying Data has built is incredible – we had pulled lobbying data before, but never made sense of it. The visibility their database  provides is essentially a magnifying glass into each and every company and their detailed political activity.

Head of Data Strategy
Tier 1 Hedge Fund

We’ve built several internal and client-facing tools directly on top of the Lobbying Database to quickly guide our public policy practice in answering pressing questions around the changing political landscape given new proposed Senate and HR bills.

Director of Data Sourcing
Management Consulting Firm

Find out who is pulling the strings.

From complex, unstructured government information to intuitive highly adaptable datasets.

Each year since 2008 has seen over 3 billion dollars spent on lobbying, with each crisis continually adding more and more salience to its impact on public policy and government procurement and budget.

Our database, datasets, and dashboards are a treasure trove for academics, journalists, financial professionals, and civic activists alike.

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